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Oberbekleidung für Frauen von BREAUX in Schwarz

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23,99 € BREAUX
【Say goodbye to back pain】Poor posture is the main cause of upper and lower back pain, but our posture correction front snap bra has changed that. It can effectively correct posture, tighten back fat, correct posture, shape attractive curves, and show confidence and charm. 【Posture Correction Bra】Bra can create a sexy breast shape, support the breasts and concentrate the breasts, while providing proper support and comfort for women around the world! 【Machine Washable】Instant back and body posture support, pull the shoulders back when wearing, train the muscles and spine to align naturally, and the delicate material can be safely used in the washer and dryer. 【Chest Lift】The front buckle lifts your chest to make it deeper and look more snappy, while stabilizing and reducing bounce. Convenient three-row three-buckle, easy to untie, easy to put on and take off, and the front buckle is gathered to reduce friction. 【Extreme Comfort】The shoulder straps and cups are reinforced with silky smooth cushions that will make you forget you're wearing a bra. The cross strap on the back is made of skin-friendly fabric, which is refreshing, breathable, soft, smooth and delicate, and is close to the body without feeling stuffy.
32,99 € BREAUX
【Say goodbye to back pain】Poor posture is the main cause of upper and lower back pain, but our posture correction front snap bra has changed that. It can effectively correct posture, tighten back fat, correct posture, shape attractive curves, and show confidence and charm. 【Posture Correction Bra】Bra can create a sexy breast shape, support the breasts and concentrate the breasts, while providing proper support and comfort for women around the world! 【Machine Washable】Instant back and body posture support, pull the shoulders back when wearing, train the muscles and spine to align naturally, and the delicate material can be safely used in the washer and dryer. 【Chest Lift】The front buckle lifts your chest to make it deeper and look more snappy, while stabilizing and reducing bounce. Convenient three-row three-buckle, easy to untie, easy to put on and take off, and the front buckle is gathered to reduce friction. 【Extreme Comfort】The shoulder straps and cups are reinforced with silky smooth cushions that will make you forget you're wearing a bra. The cross strap on the back is made of skin-friendly fabric, which is refreshing, breathable, soft, smooth and delicate, and is close to the body without feeling stuffy.
23,99 € BREAUX
【Say goodbye to back pain】Poor posture is the main cause of upper and lower back pain, but our posture correction front snap bra has changed that. It can effectively correct posture, tighten back fat, correct posture, shape attractive curves, and show confidence and charm. 【Posture Correction Bra】Bra can create a sexy breast shape, support the breasts and concentrate the breasts, while providing proper support and comfort for women around the world! 【Machine Washable】Instant back and body posture support, pull the shoulders back when wearing, train the muscles and spine to align naturally, and the delicate material can be safely used in the washer and dryer. 【Chest Lift】The front buckle lifts your chest to make it deeper and look more snappy, while stabilizing and reducing bounce. Convenient three-row three-buckle, easy to untie, easy to put on and take off, and the front buckle is gathered to reduce friction. 【Extreme Comfort】The shoulder straps and cups are reinforced with silky smooth cushions that will make you forget you're wearing a bra. The cross strap on the back is made of skin-friendly fabric, which is refreshing, breathable, soft, smooth and delicate, and is close to the body without feeling stuffy.
23,99 € BREAUX
【Say goodbye to back pain】Poor posture is the main cause of upper and lower back pain, but our posture correction front snap bra has changed that. It can effectively correct posture, tighten back fat, correct posture, shape attractive curves, and show confidence and charm. 【Posture Correction Bra】Bra can create a sexy breast shape, support the breasts and concentrate the breasts, while providing proper support and comfort for women around the world! 【Machine Washable】Instant back and body posture support, pull the shoulders back when wearing, train the muscles and spine to align naturally, and the delicate material can be safely used in the washer and dryer. 【Chest Lift】The front buckle lifts your chest to make it deeper and look more snappy, while stabilizing and reducing bounce. Convenient three-row three-buckle, easy to untie, easy to put on and take off, and the front buckle is gathered to reduce friction. 【Extreme Comfort】The shoulder straps and cups are reinforced with silky smooth cushions that will make you forget you're wearing a bra. The cross strap on the back is made of skin-friendly fabric, which is refreshing, breathable, soft, smooth and delicate, and is close to the body without feeling stuffy.
23,99 € BREAUX
【Say goodbye to back pain】Poor posture is the main cause of upper and lower back pain, but our posture correction front snap bra has changed that. It can effectively correct posture, tighten back fat, correct posture, shape attractive curves, and show confidence and charm. 【Posture Correction Bra】Bra can create a sexy breast shape, support the breasts and concentrate the breasts, while providing proper support and comfort for women around the world! 【Machine Washable】Instant back and body posture support, pull the shoulders back when wearing, train the muscles and spine to align naturally, and the delicate material can be safely used in the washer and dryer. 【Chest Lift】The front buckle lifts your chest to make it deeper and look more snappy, while stabilizing and reducing bounce. Convenient three-row three-buckle, easy to untie, easy to put on and take off, and the front buckle is gathered to reduce friction. 【Extreme Comfort】The shoulder straps and cups are reinforced with silky smooth cushions that will make you forget you're wearing a bra. The cross strap on the back is made of skin-friendly fabric, which is refreshing, breathable, soft, smooth and delicate, and is close to the body without feeling stuffy.

Willkommen in unserer Abteilung für Oberbekleidung aus dem Bereich Damenmode von BREAUX in Schwarz.

Wir kennen das doch alle: Jede hat so ein Lieblingsteil, dass sie abgöttisch liebt und so lange trägt, bis es vom Körper fällt. Das ist dann entweder von der Lieblingsmarke oder in der Lieblingsfarbe und fühlt sich einfach nur nach Dir an.

Und um Dir potenzielle neue Lieblingsstücke präsentieren zu können, haben wir auf dieser Seite Kollektionen aus dem Bereich "Oberbekleidung" von BREAUX in Schwarz für Dich zusammengestellt.
Vergleiche die Fashion-Produkte und die Preise und finde so den besten Anbieter für Dich - als Partner vieler großer und beliebter Online-Shops können wir Dir zudem eine breite Auswahl aus der Abteilung für Oberbekleidung von BREAUX oder Oberbekleidung in Schwarz präsentieren.

Außer für Oberbekleidung interessierst Du Dich vielleicht auch für weitere Damenmode von BREAUX. Oder Du siehst Dich in dem gesamten Mode-Sortiment aller Oberbekleidung auf um. Ob für Hipster-Girls, toughe Businessfrauen, Punk-Chics oder Femmes Fatales in Abendgarderobe findest Du auf fashn immer das richtige Kleidungsstück, was Dir noch in Deinem Kleiderschrank fehlt. Es ist garantiert für jede Saison und jeden Anlass etwas dabei.
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